Sun Damage And The Risk Of Skin Cancer

>> Saturday, October 26, 2013

Skin cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the skin cells and accounts for more than 55 percent of all cancers. In the US alone, more than 1.3 million Americans will be diagnosed in 2006 with non-melanoma skin cancer, and 89,500 will be diagnosed with melanoma, according to the American Cancer Society.

 A danger element is anything that may increase an individual's opportunity of developing a disease. It may be an action, such as smoking, diet, household story, or many new things. Different diseases, including cancers, have distinct danger factors. Although these factors can increase an individual's danger, they do not inevitably induce the disease. Some folk with one or much danger factors never produce the disease, while others produce disease and have no known danger factors. But, knowing your danger factors to any disease can assist to steer you into the proper actions, including changing behaviors and being clinically monitored for the disease.

 Reduce Your Skin Cancer Risk:

 Avoid the sun at peak times during the day
Seek shade whenever possible
Wear sunglasses and sun-protective clothing
Wear a wide-brimmed hat
Wear sunscreen

 A suntan means your skin has been damaged by the sun. Most non melanoma skin cancers are caused by long term exposure to the sun. And if you burn easily you are at more than average risk from another type of skin cancer called malignant melanoma. You can't get a suntan without increasing your risk of developing skin cancer. It is the ultraviolet light in sunlight that damages skin cells. The sun's rays contain different types of ultraviolet light.

 UVA makes up most of our natural sunlight
UVB is the main cause of non melanoma skin cancer it's what makes the sun burn the skin
UVC is mostly filtered out by the atmosphere of the earth
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Common risk factors for skin cancer include having fair skin, having many moles and freckles, excessive sun exposure and solarium use. For know to more risk of skin cancer read on my full blog


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