How Can You Detect Skin Cancer?

>> Wednesday, October 23, 2013

By Esther Sangiovanni

Today I would like to share the most important symptoms of skin cancer. The sun's ultraviolet radiation is an important factor in its appearance. Therefore, you must know how critical is to detect any symptom as quickly as possible.

In order to understand which are the most common symptoms of skin cancer, I will separate in two categories:

1) No-melanoma cancer: Although this one is not dangerous of painful, it can be found as a small and shiny lump (or mole), sometimes pale in color and texture. You can also recognize it as a red and firm lump, a sore or spot that bleeds or become crusty and non healing wounds. This can be scaly patches of skin that are red or brown. If you experience any growth of these things, please consult to a dermatologist as quickly as possible.

2) Melanoma cancer: Once you detect any change in size, shape, color and / or texture of a mole in your skin, don't think twice that this can be a possible symptom of melanoma. It is usually detected as a portion of the surface of black or blue-black. Yet it may also show as a new spot where there was not, usually black with abnormal appearance.

It is extremely essential to check your skin periodically so to proceed to its diagnosis and treatment at an early stage of development. Otherwise, there is a risk that the cancer cells can grow under the skin surface and spread. But you can ask "how can I do that?". There are two ways to do so.

1) Skin examination: When you go to a doctor or nurse, they will check your skin for any existence of bumps or spots that look abnormal in color, size, texture or shape.

2) Biopsy: In this case, the doctor has found an abnormal-looking growth in your skin, and it needs to be totally or partially removed. After that, a pathologist check it under a microscope in order to find possible presence of cancer cells. There are three main types of skin biopsies:

-Shave biopsy: A sterile razor blade to ?shave? the abnormal-looking growth is used.

-Punch biopsy: It is necessary to use a special instrument called a punch to remove a circle of tissue from the abnormal- looking growth.

-Excisional biopsy: A scalpel is used, in order to remove the entire growth.

You need to know your skin all the time. The greatest part is that a skin test may not take more than 10 minutes. If you want to live longer, share with your family and loved ones, take some time for you to know your skin. That's your health, and you deserve it.

I hope you found this information very useful. Spread the voice and share this article to everyone you know, because anybody can be detected with skin cancer.

All the success!.

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Common risk factors for skin cancer include having fair skin, having many moles and freckles, excessive sun exposure and solarium use. For know to more risk of skin cancer read on my full blog


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