What You Need To Know About Skin Cancer Prevention

>> Saturday, October 26, 2013

Skin cancer prevention is preached by medical professionals all over the United States. This is no surprise given that the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation reported more than one million Americans were diagnosed with some form of skin cancer in 2005. Despite the medical evidence available on skin cancer, our society remains focused on tanning beds and sunbathing without using the proper protection.

 Skin cancer comes in two forms, melanomas and non-melanomas. Melanomas usually account for only four percent of diagnosed skin cancers, but they are considered to be the most deadly. Melanomas occur in the epidermis, the skin's outer layer, usually appearing as a dark mole with uneven edges. If detected early through skin cancer prevention, melanomas can be eliminated without causing harm. If ignored, these cancers can break away and spread to other parts of the body.

Non-melanomas, on the other hand, are comprised of two different cell types, basal cells and squamous cells. Both of these cells are caused from sun exposure, but basal cells form in the lower epidermis while squamous cells form in the upper epidermis.

 Preventing skin cancer is often associated with older generations, but today you see more teenagers and young adults spending excessive amounts of time in the sun. Without the proper protection, our society could see a surge in skin cancer diagnosis. Tanning beds are another cause of skin cancer and are often used throughout the year, not just during the summer months.

 Proper prevention begins with knowing what you need to be sun safe any time of the year. If you have light colored hair and fair skin, you should be weary of exposing yourself to over indulge in the sun's rays. You should also be aware if anyone in your family has been diagnosed with skin cancer because this could increase your chances of developing the disease.

 Sunscreen is recommended as a form of protection against the sun. The American Cancer Society urges the use of waterproof sunscreen that has an SPF15 or more of both UVA and UVB protection. You should also apply at least an ounce of sunscreen for your body twenty minutes before going out into the sun. Too often, individuals forget to re-apply their sunscreen after being exposed to harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Also be sure to avoid the sun during 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. because this is when the sun's rays are most intense. Staying unprotected in the sun during this time is when you put yourself in the danger zone for damaging healthy skin cells. Proper skin cancer prevention should be practiced by everyone in your family, even babies. Doctors recommend babies that are six months or younger stay out of the sun. Teaching your children to be sun smart is important for their health too.

 Find shady areas when you take them outside to play and be sure they have the proper protection on. Clothing is another way to protect yourself and your family from harmful rays. Wear hats that have wide brims to cover all areas of your neck, ears, eyes and scalp.

 Skin cancer prevention does not mean you have to avoid the sun altogether. It just means you should be smart when you do go outside. Remembering to use a protective sunscreen all year is a great way to start your cancer prevention routine. Know your skin and any marks or freckles so you can recognize abnormalities that may develop. The sooner you start guarding yourself from harmful rays, the better you raise your chance of avoiding skin cancer.
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Sun Damage And The Risk Of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the skin cells and accounts for more than 55 percent of all cancers. In the US alone, more than 1.3 million Americans will be diagnosed in 2006 with non-melanoma skin cancer, and 89,500 will be diagnosed with melanoma, according to the American Cancer Society.

 A danger element is anything that may increase an individual's opportunity of developing a disease. It may be an action, such as smoking, diet, household story, or many new things. Different diseases, including cancers, have distinct danger factors. Although these factors can increase an individual's danger, they do not inevitably induce the disease. Some folk with one or much danger factors never produce the disease, while others produce disease and have no known danger factors. But, knowing your danger factors to any disease can assist to steer you into the proper actions, including changing behaviors and being clinically monitored for the disease.

 Reduce Your Skin Cancer Risk:

 Avoid the sun at peak times during the day
Seek shade whenever possible
Wear sunglasses and sun-protective clothing
Wear a wide-brimmed hat
Wear sunscreen

 A suntan means your skin has been damaged by the sun. Most non melanoma skin cancers are caused by long term exposure to the sun. And if you burn easily you are at more than average risk from another type of skin cancer called malignant melanoma. You can't get a suntan without increasing your risk of developing skin cancer. It is the ultraviolet light in sunlight that damages skin cells. The sun's rays contain different types of ultraviolet light.

 UVA makes up most of our natural sunlight
UVB is the main cause of non melanoma skin cancer it's what makes the sun burn the skin
UVC is mostly filtered out by the atmosphere of the earth
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The Importance Of Viewing Skin Cancer Pictures

Each year, in the United States, a large number of men and women are diagnosed with skin cancer. Although most cases of skin cancer can be treated, there are times when skin cancer can become fatal. To treat skin cancer, it is important that it is diagnosed in the early stages.

The longer skin cancer goes untreated, especially certain types of it, the more risk you are putting your body at. Before skin cancer can be treated, it needs to be diagnosed. Although it may be difficult to associate good news with skin cancer, there is good news.

That good news is that it is relatively easy to diagnosis. This is because many skin cancer symptoms are easy to detect. In fact, many individuals are able detect the most common skin cancer symptoms on their own, without the assistance of a healthcare professional.

Although symptoms may be detected without the assistance of a healthcare professional, once those symptoms are displayed and discovered, it is advised that you seek treatment immediately. As previously mentioned, a large number of individuals are able to detect the signs and symptoms of skin cancer on their own; however, not all individuals are.

 This is because many do not know what to look for. If you are interested in learning more about skin cancer symptoms, you are advised to perform a standard internet search or speak to your primary care physician. These methods should result in the acquisition of useful skin cancer information, including common symptoms, causes, and treatment options. When obtaining more information on skin cancer, it is also advised that you ask for or look for skin cancer pictures.

This is because much of the information you will receive, on common skin care symptoms, will only provide a general overview. For instance, you are always advised to use letters of the alphabet, when examining your skin. These letters are ABCD for asymmetry, borders, colors, and diameter.

Your physician, as well as online resource guides, will tell you to be on the lookout for abnormal skin areas, irregular mole borders, moles with varied colors, and moles with a diameter about the size of a pencil eraser. While this information is useful, there are many who are unable to distinguish skin cancer moles from traditional moles.

 To better distinguish nonmalignant moles from malignant ones, you are advised to examine skin cancer pictures. You should request or search for skin cancer pictures on the most common types of skin cancer. These skin cancer types include squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

This is important because squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma all display different symptoms. Although their symptoms may appear similar on paper, they look different in color. By examining a number of different skin cancer pictures, you should easily be able to make a self diagnosis. In the event that you notice a mole on your body, especially one that resembles moles which you have seen in skin cancer pictures, you are advised to contact your physician right away.

Many family physicians are able to diagnose and treat skin cancer; however, your physician may make the decision to refer you to a skin care professional. These professionals are known as dermatologists. Whether you seek treatment from a traditional physician or a dermatologist, it is important that you receive your treatment in a timely matter.

 In addition to being on the lookout for skin cancer symptoms, you are also advised to focus on protection. As previously mentioned, a large number of men and women are diagnosed with skin cancer. With adequate prevention methods, you do not have to be one of those individuals. You are urged to avoid tanning beds and prolonged sun exposure, at any cost. If you must be in the sun for an extended period of time, you are urged to protect yourself with sunscreen, sunglasses, and a sun hat.
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How Can You Detect Skin Cancer?

>> Wednesday, October 23, 2013

By Esther Sangiovanni

Today I would like to share the most important symptoms of skin cancer. The sun's ultraviolet radiation is an important factor in its appearance. Therefore, you must know how critical is to detect any symptom as quickly as possible.

In order to understand which are the most common symptoms of skin cancer, I will separate in two categories:

1) No-melanoma cancer: Although this one is not dangerous of painful, it can be found as a small and shiny lump (or mole), sometimes pale in color and texture. You can also recognize it as a red and firm lump, a sore or spot that bleeds or become crusty and non healing wounds. This can be scaly patches of skin that are red or brown. If you experience any growth of these things, please consult to a dermatologist as quickly as possible.

2) Melanoma cancer: Once you detect any change in size, shape, color and / or texture of a mole in your skin, don't think twice that this can be a possible symptom of melanoma. It is usually detected as a portion of the surface of black or blue-black. Yet it may also show as a new spot where there was not, usually black with abnormal appearance.

It is extremely essential to check your skin periodically so to proceed to its diagnosis and treatment at an early stage of development. Otherwise, there is a risk that the cancer cells can grow under the skin surface and spread. But you can ask "how can I do that?". There are two ways to do so.

1) Skin examination: When you go to a doctor or nurse, they will check your skin for any existence of bumps or spots that look abnormal in color, size, texture or shape.

2) Biopsy: In this case, the doctor has found an abnormal-looking growth in your skin, and it needs to be totally or partially removed. After that, a pathologist check it under a microscope in order to find possible presence of cancer cells. There are three main types of skin biopsies:

-Shave biopsy: A sterile razor blade to ?shave? the abnormal-looking growth is used.

-Punch biopsy: It is necessary to use a special instrument called a punch to remove a circle of tissue from the abnormal- looking growth.

-Excisional biopsy: A scalpel is used, in order to remove the entire growth.

You need to know your skin all the time. The greatest part is that a skin test may not take more than 10 minutes. If you want to live longer, share with your family and loved ones, take some time for you to know your skin. That's your health, and you deserve it.

I hope you found this information very useful. Spread the voice and share this article to everyone you know, because anybody can be detected with skin cancer.

All the success!.

About the Author:

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Common risk factors for skin cancer include having fair skin, having many moles and freckles, excessive sun exposure and solarium use. For know to more risk of skin cancer read on my full blog


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